While running my existing Jenkins Project I am running into the below issue as soon as I start it -
I tried hitting the URL for Maven Meta Data (as in the screen shot) manually to check 401 issue but I am able to download the meta data file through browser. artifact.unx is an internal site. I have re-checked my access to the site as well and it works fine. Also, this has been a recent issue and Jenkins project executed just fine some days back.
Tried executing the test using command line with the below command and I am able to run the tests - C:\forecast\Jenkins\workspace\BVTDeployment\gradlew.bat clean integrationtest -DHTTP_HOST=%host% -D###_USER=%Username% -D###_PASS=%Password% -DintegrationTest.single=BVTDeployment but when I do it through Jenkins I am still getting the same error .
Any leads will be useful